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Family Involvement

There are numerous opportunities for families and community members to support Liberty Elementary School. Look for excellent programs like School Cents and Box Tops that are great ways to earn money for our school without spending any extra of your own money.

Listed below are highlights on a number of ongoing opportunities; please contact the school office or any PTO representative for further information.

Fry's Community Rewards

Simply link your Fry's V.I.P. card to Liberty Elementary School to begin earning for our school. Every time you shop using your Fry's V.I.P. card we will earn rewards. To register your V.I.P. card, go to Fry's website and search "Community Rewards Program".

Safeway eScrip Program

Register your Safeway Club Card and choose Liberty Elementary as your school. Once registered, simply renew your Safeway Club Card annually with eScrip between August 1 and November 1. Once registered, our school will receive between 1% and 4% on all your cash, credit and/or debit card purchases throughout the year. Go to the Safeway website for more information and to get registered today. 

PTO Fundraisers

Our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsors fundraisers annually that benefit our students, teachers and staff. Their biggest fundraiser is our Fun Run that takes place in the spring.

Making a contribution to receive an Arizona public education tax credit is simple. You can get a tax credit for up to $200 for an individual or $400 per married couple. Donations must be received by December 31 to receive the tax credit for the current year.

Arizona tax law allows taxpayers a credit for contributions made or fees paid to a public school for support of extracurricular activities or character education. Extracurricular activities such as overnight field trips, visual and performing arts, sports, and homework support are generally not fully funded by school districts, so your donation directly supports students.

Restaurant Nights

Local businesses happily support Liberty Elementary, too. Several times a year, we host restaurant nights. When your family brings their school flyer advertising the restaurant night and dines, the restaurant donates a percentage of your bill to our school, usually 15 to 20 percent.

United Parent Council (UPC)

UPC is a district-wide parent group that has been active in Paradise Valley Unified School District for more than 30 years and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Looking out for the interest of students is our primary goal. We do this by offering parents support, information, and opportunities to be influential voices in the decisions that affect their children's education.

Learn More About UPC